
Teaching & Learning Rooms

No. Room Name Building Photo
1. RF 4 RF Building fl. 2 Ruang RF 4
2. RF 5 RF Building fl. 2 Ruang RF 5
3. RF 6 RF Building fl. 2 Ruang RF 6
4. RF 7 RF Building fl. 3 Ruang RF 7
5. RF 8 RF Building fl. 3 Ruang RF 8
6. RF 9 RF Building fl. 3 Ruang RF 9
7. Media Room A Media Building fl. 2 Ruang Mediai A
8. Media Room B Media Building fl. 2 Ruang Media B
9. LTPK 5 LPTK Building fl. 2 Ruang LPTK 5
10. RE 4 RE Building Ruang RE 4
11. RE 5 RE Building Ruang RE 5


No. Laboratory Name Photo Description
1. Basic Computer Lab Basic Computer Lab
  • Basic computer laboratory is used for practicals related to basic computers such as computer assembly and basic computer programming
  • This laboratory is also used for certification of computer network expertise, AI and cloud data from Huawei vendors (Huawei Industrial Standard)
  • There are 20 AIO computers that have Windows 10 installed with good specifications to run regular programs such as basic computer programming and artificial intelligence
  • This laboratory is equipped with air conditioning so that the indoor temperature is maintained and a fast internet connection makes it easier for students to access cloud services such as cloud data from Huawei.
2. Microprocessor Lab Microprocessor Lab
  • The Microprocessor Laboratory is a practical laboratory that provides practical services for developing microprocessors and interfaces
  • In the Microprocessor Laboratory, students can carry out activities that aim to study the microprocessor system
  • Fields of study studied in this laboratory include minimum microprocessor systems, basic operations, and interface design of I/O equipment with microprocessors both with sensors and transducers
  • In addition, research based on the MCS51 microcontroller was also developed along with its programming and microprocessor learning with the Zilog Z-80
  • The following is a checklist of the equipment available in the laboratory along with the worksheets used by students in conducting practicums
3. Telecomunication Lab Telecommunications Laboratory
  • The laboratory which is located on the 3rd floor of the IDB building is used as a means of supporting student activities in carrying out practicum and working on theses
  • This laboratory focuses on telecommunications in internet network applications, security, data communication and signals
  • In the telecommunications laboratory, students learn about the basic concepts of telecommunications, communication systems, wireless communication, cellular networks, transmission lines and data communication
  • Here we can see antenna horns, Low Noise Blocks for practical work, and some measuring equipment such as spectrum analyzers, signal generators, Standing wave ratio meters and other equipment that supports experiments.
4. Networking Lab Networking Lab
  • The Computer Network Laboratory is one of the laboratories in the Department of Electronic and Informatics Engineering Education, Faculty of Engineering, Yogyakarta State University
  • The laboratory, which is located on the 3rd floor of the IDB LAB building, is used for computer network practicum activities with a capacity of 30 students
  • The room is spacious and equipped with air conditioning and a fast internet connection, making students comfortable doing activities in this room
  • The practicum courses carried out in this laboratory are Computer Networks and Computer Network Security
  • To support laboratory functions and learning activities, the laboratory is equipped with devices such as Desktop Computers, Servers, Routers, Manageable Switches, Non-Manageable Switches, Access Points, Crimping Tools, LCD Projectors, White Boards, LAN Testers and other equipment related to computer networks.
  • Activities that can be carried out in this laboratory include wiring, network analysis, subnetting, installation of Wired Networks, Wireless Networks, and routing
  • Besides being used for practicum activities, this laboratory is also used for research activities related to thesis or final assignments, training, simulations, and discussions
5. Programming and Information System Lab Programming and Information System Lab
  • In the 2nd floor IDB building there is also a Programming and Information Systems Laboratory
  • This lab is used by students to learn about algorithms and programming in the field of computer engineering and informatics
  • TThe main equipment in this laboratory is computer with good specifications and high speed internet
  • The activities in this lab are practicums with the main topic being programming, both mobile, website, and desktop programming
  • In addition to practicum activities, this lab is also used by students in designing and testing programs for their final projects
  • Applications that are often developed by students in this lab are Android or iOS mobile applications
6. Multimedia and Virtual Reality Lab Multimedia and Virtual Reality Lab
  • Multimedia and Virtual Reality Laboratory is used in the learning process for Digital Media Development courses, including Computer Graphics and Animation, Educational games, Interactive multimedia, Visual Communication Design
  • Multimedia and Virtual Reality Laboratory is located on the 2nd floor of the IDB building
  • Complete facilities are available for learning purposes, from LCD projectors to practicum equipment such as laptops with standard specifications for a number of students doing practicum
  • This lab also has personal computers with high specifications and suitable software for the development of multimedia and virtual reality applications that can be used by students in working on their final project
  • To support research needs for application development, such as 360 videos for games or learning simulations, this lab has Oculus VR that can be used
  • The schedule for using the laboratory and practicum modules is displayed online on the study program website and is regularly updated by the laboratory coordinator
7. Industrial Electronics Lab Industrial Electronics Lab
  • Industrial electronics laboratory is located on the second floor of the IDB building, Department of Electrical and Informatics Engineering Education, UNY
  • This laboratory is very important to support teaching and learning activities and research because many students focus on industrial manufacturing processes
  • Several equipment or facilities are available, such as Programmable Logic Controller (PLC), Robotic learning media, DC Motor, Computer, MATLAB Programming, and other supporting facilities
  • In addition to these facilities, the laboratory also has measuring instruments and electronic components
  • We recognize that the technology of the electronics industry has progressed rapidly beyond our laboratory facilities
  • To overcome this condition, our laboratory encourages students who focus on research topics related to industry to innovate and produce new facilities.
  • With this approach, this new facility can help improve students' understanding of complex concepts to be implemented in the laboratory using low-cost facilities produced by students.
8. Instrumentation Lab Instrumentation Lab
  • The instrumentation laboratory is one of the laboratories in the department of electronics and informatics engineering education located on the 2nd floor of the IDB building
  • This laboratory can be used for all students, both Bachelor in Informatics Engineering Education (BIEE) and Master in Electronics and Information Engineering Education (MEIEE).
  • The main activities carried out in this laboratory are observation and signal processing, both analog signals and digital signals in digital signal processing courses and medical electronics practicum.
  • There are several desktop computers in this laboratory that can be used for simulation and signal processing using software such as Matlab and Python
  • In addition to practical activities, this laboratory is also used by students in working on theses or theses with the topic of signal processing
  • Internet access is well available through the wifi network so that students can find literature or reference sources easily
9. Fiber to The Home Lab Fiber to The Home Lab
  • Fiber to the Home Laboratory is located on the 2nd floor of the LPTK building, Department of Electrical and Informatics Engineering, UNY.
  • FTTH Laboratory is one of the laboratories in the telecommunication expertise group
  • In this lab there are a lot of telecommunications equipment, such as splicers, fiber optic tool kits and fiber-based communication devices as well as fiber optic installation equipment and measuring instruments that comply with industry standards and can be used for BNSP certification (National Professional Certification Agency) in fiber optic splicing
  • One of the advantages of this Lab is, this lab has an Optical Time Domain Reflectometer which is able to analyze events on optical links
  • Here, students are introduced to fiber optic technology and its applications, as well as knowledge of the concept and configuration of FTTH networks and learn about broadband communications
  • In addition, students will also have experience on how to connect optical fibers using fusion splicers and other supporting equipment
  • This is the worksheet for the courses carried out in this laboratory laboratorium
10. Audio Video and Television Lab Audio Video and Television Lab
  • Audio, Video and Television Laboratory is located on the 2nd floor of the IDB building
  • The laboratory functions for learning and research activities in the field of Audio Video Engineering including installation and performance testing of sound system equipment, television, home theater, CCTV, making video documentation
  • It is also used as a place for the production of learning media content
  • Place of production and implementation of streaming TV broadcasts that disseminate every important activity on campus such as graduation, inauguration of professors, visits of important officials
11. Control Lab Control Lab
  • control laboratory is a laboratory that can be used by students in learning related to theory and practice in control engineering
  • The main activities of the control system laboratory are:
  • First, as an teaching and learning laboratory in the field of control system engineering, along with derivations from the control system field (among others: optimization of control systems through the use of fuzzy logic, artificial neural networks, and neuro-fuzzy in system implementation controls); In addition, basic knowledge of basic mechatronics and programmable logic controllers in the perspective of control systems is also served in this laboratory
  • Second, as a research support unit for lecturers and students in reviewing the implementation of the control system needed in the community services
  • There are several trainers used in learning control systems, for example, DC motor control and servo trainers
  • The following is a lab sheet used by students in using the DC and servo motor control trainers in this laboratory

Student Center

No. Student Center Name Place/Basecamp
1. Basecamp BEM PKM Center
2. Basecamp CARABINER PKM Center
3. Basecamp Mobil Listrik PKM Center
4. Basecamp Robot PKM Center
5. Basecamp UKMF Matrik PKM Center
6. Basecamp UKMF Kerohanian PKM Center
7. Basecamp UKMF Olahraga PKM Center
8. Basecamp UKMF Unytech PKM Center
9. Robotics Student Center Building
10. Infinite Student Center Building

Information Systems

  1. New Student Admission Information System https://daftarpmb.uny.ac.id
  2. Registration System https://registrasi.uny.ac.id
  3. Academic Information System (Siakad 2013) https://siakad2013.uny.ac.id
  4. Lecture Schedule System http://jadwalkuliah.uny.ac.id
  5. Lecture Attendance System http://presensikuliah.uny.ac.id
  6. Judisium and Graduation Information System http://yudiwis.uny.ac.id
  7. Integrated Library System http://library.uny.ac.id
  8. Monitoring and Evaluation System (E-Monev Kuliah) http://emonev.lppmp.uny.ac.id
  9. Pro-Tefl http://sip2b.uny.ac.id
  10. Be-Smart http://besmart.uny.ac.id
  11. E-Service https://eservice.uny.ac.id
  12. Thesis Guidance Information System (E-Bimbingan) https://bimbingan.uny.ac.id
  13. Accreditation Information System http://akreditasi.uny.ac.id
  14. Research and Public Services Information System (SIMPPM) http://simppm.lppm.uny.ac.id
  15. PMW http://pmw.uny.ac.id
  16. Alumni Information System (Simfoni) http://simfoni.uny.ac.id
  17. Student Achievement System http://presma.uny.ac.id
  18. PKM and Scholarship System http://pkm.kemahasiswaan.uny.ac.id/
  19. Online Legalization System https://eservice.uny.ac.id
  20. Simitra http://simitra.uny.ac.id/
  21. UNY Site https://www.uny.ac.id
  22. Financial Information System (SIKEU) http://sikeu.uny.ac.id
  23. Infrastructure Information System (SINAPRA) http://sinapra.uny.ac.id
  24. Employee Administration Information System (SIAP) http://siap.uny.ac.id
  25. Lettering and Archieving Information System (MyOffice) http://myoffice.uny.ac.id
  26. Staff Site http://staffnew.uny.ac.id
  27. SKP Information System http://skp.uny.ac.id
  28. Employee Presence Information System http://presensi.uny.ac.id
  29. Remuneration System http://remunerasi.uny.ac.id
  30. Leadership Meeting Schedule Information System http://siagen.uny.ac.id
  31. SMS Gateway - Desktop
  32. UKT Information System http://ukt.uny.ac.id
  33. Tuition Bill Information System https://tagihan.uny.ac.id
  34. E-Laporan https://e-laporan.uny.ac.id
  35. Planning System http://siren.uny.ac.id
  36. Budget Information System http://sianggar.uny.ac.id