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Vision, Missions, Motto, and Goals
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- Become a competitive, creative, and innovative Information Technology Study Program in 2025 based on piety, autonomy, and intellectuality.
- Conducting an academic education in Information Technology focusing on Software Systems, Computer Networks, and Multimedia to meet society and industry's increasingly complex and changing needs with armed art and technopreneurs.
- Carrying out research in the field of Information Technology.
- Carrying out community service in the field of Information Technology.
- Facilitating Information Technology Study Program student activities.
- Conducting cooperative relations with other similar study programs or related institutions.
Based on the vision and mission formulated in the previous part, the Program Education Objective (PEO) of Information Technology Study Program are as follows:
- Graduates are able to understand and show obedience to God Almighty in carrying out quality tasks.
- Graduates are able to show independent performance, practical communication skills, develop collaborative networks with stakeholders and show social sensitivity and sensitivity to the community and the surrounding environment.
- Graduates master in-depth knowledge of the basic concepts of science and engineering.
- Graduates are able to design, implement, and analyze information systems, multimedia, and computer networks in information technology.
- Graduates are able to apply the knowledge and skills they have to make the right decisions to solve a workplace problem.
- Graduates are able to analyze current problems and problems to provide solutions in the use of technology.
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