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Assesment of Program Learning Outcomes
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Bachelor of Information Technology Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta formulated Program Learning Outcomes (PLO) based on government policies, vision, and mission of UNY and study programs, as well as input from stakeholders. In general, the PLO of the UNY Information Technology Undergraduate Program includes aspects of attitude, knowledge, specific skills, and general skills which are further described in more detail as follows:
- Graduates can apply their obedience to God Almighty in the line of duty.
- Graduates can develop a network of cooperation with stakeholders.
- Graduates demonstrate independent, quality, and scalable performance.
- Graduates gain a broad and sound knowledge in the concept of basic science and fundamental of engineering.
- Graduates are in the position to apply their knowledge and skills in order to generate decisions appropriately to provide solutions for problems in work.
- Graduates demonstrate communication skills effectively with stakeholders.
- Graduates demonstrate social sensitivity and awareness to disseminate ideas to the public and the environment well.
- Graduates can design information systems, multimedia, or computer networks in the field of information technology.
- Graduates have in-depth knowledge of engineering science required to implement information systems, multimedia, or computer networks.
- Graduates can analyze the latest issues and problems to provide solutions in technology applications.
Bachelor of Information Technology Study Program has succeeded in carrying out the learning process to meet the PLO as shown by the analysis of PLO achievement. The assessment of each PLO is obtained from analyzing the courses that support the PLO. The final results of the analysis for 2020-2022 show that PLO achievements range from 79% to 97%, which is considered Very Good. This can be seen in the graph in the following figure.
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